PC Health - problems don't show

John, In future please refrain from carrying out multiple topic postings on the same subject! You won't obtain an answer to your query any faster!. See other posting (https://support.avg.com/answers?id=906b0000000DP9rAAG).
AVG Guru

When I use PC Tune Up, the category "PC Health" indicates that the PC has 4 problems that need fixing. However, clicking "SHOW" has no effect.

Any ideas?

Dear "AVG Guru"

The reason there was a repeat posting was that my initial posting seemed at first not to have been accepted, as I had not confirmed my non-robot status.

I then realised that both postings had appeared, but didn't know how to delete one of them.

I am sorry if this has offended you - it is the first time I have been on this forum and I was unfamiliar with the system. Hopefully in future I will meet your standards of behaviour and will not have to read rebukes such as you saw fit to post.

OK John, No probs… Just for your future ref, when posted, there's actually a small 'x' 'Delete this question' in the top RH corner of your question.
AVG Guru

Thank you for your understanding, please do not say sorry for this. We have already sent you the email instructions for technical issue, please do get connected with them using that email link. Thank you.