PC tuneup not listed on subscription

I have PC tuneup for 3 pcs but my account says I have no subscriptions and although I downloaded it, it won't let me put in my license number.

Hello, Jeanie.
Please accept my apologies regarding the AVG PC TuneUp subscription not visible under "My Products" tab. This issue does not impact the functionality of your previously installed products, nor does it affect the installation or activation processes of newly purchased AVG products.
We have to escalate this issue to concern team for a resolution. To proceed with that, we need a screenshot of your AVG MyAccount which says you have no active subscriptions. I have sent you an email, please revert with attaching the screenshot so we can go ahead and escalate your issue.

Hello, Jeanie.
Please accept my apologies regarding the AVG PC TuneUp subscription not visible under "My Products" tab. This issue does not impact the functionality of your previously installed products, nor does it affect the installation or activation processes of newly purchased AVG products.
We have to escalate this issue to concern team for a resolution. To proceed with that, we need a screenshot of your AVG MyAccount which says you have no active subscriptions. I have sent you an email, please revert with attaching the screenshot so we can go ahead and escalate your issue.