Platba za AVG Security

Hello Miroslava,

Support through this channel is available only in English. You can write back to us in English or use translator to know this information.

We will help you to sort out the issue. It isn't recommended to share account/order, personal info over this public post.

We have sent you an email to your registered email address. Please check for the email and revert back to us.

Dobrý den, dne 10.12 2020 jsem poslala platbu za novou objednávku AVG Internet Security. Dosud jsem neobdržela klíč k novému produktu, přesto platba odešla v pořádku. Co mám dělat? Jsem bez ochrany PC a navíc i bez peněz.

Hello Miroslava,

Support through this channel is available only in English. You can write back to us in English or use translator to know this information.

We will help you to sort out the issue. It isn't recommended to share account/order, personal info over this public post.

We have sent you an email to your registered email address. Please check for the email and revert back to us.