Hi Ardeshir,
We'll certainly check about this.
May I know how you suspect this message is caused by AVG? Do you receive this message frequently when you use your PC?
Please check your installation program list in your control panel and uninstall any unwanted program or software and restart your PC and check if you get the message again.
Please share us the screenshot of the message to check further.
You can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on "Answer" & then click on the "Image" [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions.
When a computer starts, I see it on screen (see below).
What is this? Is this virus in my computer?
Access violation at address 10023D3 in the "WZULIB.dll" module.
Read of address 02B68000 (or 03D28000)
What is this? Is this virus in my computer?
Access violation at address 10023D3 in the "WZULIB.dll" module.
Read of address 02B68000 (or 03D28000)
Hi Ardeshir,
We'll certainly check about this.
May I know how you suspect this message is caused by AVG? Do you receive this message frequently when you use your PC?
Please check your installation program list in your control panel and uninstall any unwanted program or software and restart your PC and check if you get the message again.
Please share us the screenshot of the message to check further.
You can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on "Answer" & then click on the "Image" [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions.