Hi George,
We request you not to share the email address on a public forum.
I have sent you an email and informed about icarus.exe file.
Please revert to our email without changing its subject.
Thank you.
I have tried searching your site for an answer and all seem to say the same. Open a new thread and such so here I am. I have a screen shot saved as an rtf document and cannot seem to be able to pot is here. Apart from some address differences the pop-up is the same as those in the other posts concerning icarus.
So far I have been denying it but I really need an answer as I work from home in aerospace. I am George, Terri is my wife, I am a programmer thus I am writing this. Please contact her at er e-mail or me directly at (email address removed)
This problem only appeared after I cleared my old settings through tune-up and AVG scanner 3 days ago.
We request you not to share the email address on a public forum.
I have sent you an email and informed about icarus.exe file.
Please revert to our email without changing its subject.
Thank you.
Thank you for the fast reply. Sorry for my error in judgement. I have e-mailed this as well.
Hi George/Terri,
We're uncertain about who has posted this. If it is Terri, then we'd like to inform you that this has been already dealt by George. If it is George, let us know whether you still require assistance regarding this matter.