Program installed itself

Hello Graeme,

I understand how difficult this is for you.

I have sent you an email to get connected with our advanced support, please follow the steps from the email and the concerned team will check this for you.

I have  a program "" that installed itself.Ave security blocks it when it trys to open but I cant find it in programs and fetures to uninstall it.Also now and then porno ads appear and no matter what I do I cant close it and have to crash stop my laptop to get rid of it,has this to do with this program you think.
Also has anyone been shafted by Telstra lately with outrageous data charges.

Also my providor telstra australia is all of a sudden taking many times the normal data i am buying GB normaly lasts me a month but over the last five days i have burnt through 44.4 Gbs.The company puts it down to a increase in use but i have not done anything unusual at all go through that amount in five days.Can you suggest anything i can do please.

Hello Graeme,

I understand how difficult this is for you.

I have sent you an email to get connected with our advanced support, please follow the steps from the email and the concerned team will check this for you.

Gaeme, we aren't sure about the reason for Telstra data charges issues.
Please get connected to our additional support, to check the reason for ads appearing on your PC.
An email instruction has been sent to you which will help you to get connected with them.
If it is not found in inbox do check in spam and junk folders.

Graeme, we aren't sure about the reason for Telstra data charges issues.
Please get connected to our additional support, to check the reason for ads appearing on your PC.
An email instruction has been sent to you which will help you to get connected with them.
If it is not found in inbox do check in spam and junk folders.