Protection is disabled on AVG Internet Security Newest Version

Hello James,

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.
To fix this, perform update of AVG Internet Security as mentioned in this article and restart the computer.
Keep us informed about the status.

Sarath… Thank you so much for giving me the correct advice. I used AVG Clear to remove the old program, then reinstalled it and everything is back to normal.  You are very smart. Thank You!

Dashboard indicates all categories protected individually but across top in red says PROTECTION IS DISABLED . Pressing "Fix now"  Does Nothing. If I update the program and virus definitions nothing is changed and I still get back to dashboard which still says disabled but now says will be  automatically enabled when PC is restarted.
Restarted and it just comes back to dashboard saying Disabled. That's as far it goes after several tries.
The program version is
19.7.3103 (build 19.7.4674.526) and OS is Windows 7. I have restarted the computer at least a dozen times as directed by the "Protection is disabled" error message and it just comes back the same way and I continue to get the red "Protection is disabled"   Can you help me please?

Yes, James, you can removes the traces of AVG by running the AVG Clear and Remover tool and then install AVG Internet Security to check the status.

Refer the article to run AVG clear and remover tool: (

Sarath… Thank you so much for giving me the correct advice. I used AVG Clear to remove the old program, then reinstalled it and everything is back to normal.  You are very smart. Thank You!

Sorry to know that, James.
In this case, we request you to get connected with our additional support who can help you on this matter.
An email instruction has been sent which will help you to get connected with them.
If the email is not found in inbox do check in spam and junk folders.

I have seen recommendations on other forums that AVG Internet Security needs to be uninstalled, then reinstalled using a tool called Clear. Do you think that might work and how would I do that?

Hello James,

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.
To fix this, perform update of AVG Internet Security as mentioned in this article and restart the computer.
Keep us informed about the status.

I had same issues several times. I went to settings, protection and re-enabled those that were unabled.
IE… Ransomeware Protection…