QNAP and AVG Firewall

Hi Avinash,
I found this tread and have same probleem as discribed by Kristo.
I can advise that I have a paid version since many years
Hope you can advise what to do
If needed I can sent my AVG contract in a pm

regards. Jan

It is indeed disappointing when you have to contact us multiple times about the same issue. Could you please let us know whether it is a paid version or a trial version of AVG you are using? If it is a paid version, please get in touch with one of our expert technical support representatives ( http://avgclick.me/AVGtechnical ) to resolve your issue.

Hi Colin,
I will help you resolve the issue,
please try to allow QNAP TS 251 in AVG firewall using this link
Please let us know if you face any issue.
Thank you

Hello Kristo,
We are sorry to know that the application is still being blocked. Have you disabled AVG temporarily(http://avgclick.me/TempDisableAVG) and checked if you are able to access this application?

Thank you


I too have this problem with my QNAP TS453mini NAS.    I already have the NAS IP address reserved in my registered AVG Internet Security 2014 and I had added the Qfinder.exe file path as an ALLOW rule.

I still cannot access my NAS unless I disable the AVG Firewall.  I have read your link.

In the AVG log I see:

Log action   PID Direction Protocol   Remote port   Local Port Remote IP       Local IP

Block            4        In            IGMP          0                   0  

Can you help me?




i am in the same point as Ian (above) … could i please have the "further indications" offered to Ian?


I cant access my QNAP TS 251 unless I disable AVG firewall
How can I get round this?

It is indeed disappointing when you have to contact us multiple times about the same issue. Could you please let us know whether it is a paid version or a trial version of AVG you are using? If it is a paid version, please get in touch with one of our expert technical support representatives ( http://avgclick.me/AVGtechnical ) to resolve your issue.

I too have the same problem I have followed the instructions on this link(http://avgread.me/1G3omO8) and still can connect to my NAS except when firewall is turned off. Please help.


I have the same problem, after adding QNAP application for approval firewall continues to have blocked the connection. I have licenses to versions of AVG Internet Security 16.141.7996.
How to solve this problem ?

Hello Rafael,
We regret for the inconvenience caused. We would like to let us know, whether you had installed AVG 2016 or 2017 version on your system?
Thank you.

Hello Kristo,
We regret for the inconvenience. Please try to add that application in exception list http://avgclick.me/AddException and check the program is working or not.
Thank you.

Hello Kristo,
We are sorry to know that the issue persists. To assist you better, could you please let us know if you are using free or paid version of AVG?
Thank you

Hi Colin,
I will help you resolve the issue,
please try to allow QNAP TS 251 in AVG firewall using this link
Please let us know if you face any issue.
Thank you

Hello Ian,

Yes, we request you to take our additional support in fixing this issue.
We have sent you an email with further instructions to be followed to get our additional support.
Please check for the email on spam or junk folders if it is not present in the inbox.

Welcome back,

After all of the above instructions, QNAP continues to be blocked. Any ideas how to unlock it?
It works only when switched off AVG.

Hi Avinash,
I found this tread and have same probleem as discribed by Kristo.
I can advise that I have a paid version since many years
Hope you can advise what to do
If needed I can sent my AVG contract in a pm

regards. Jan

Hello J J vdP,

We apologize for the difficulties caused.
Have you followed the instructions described in this link http://avgread.me/1G3omO8 ?
You will be able to add exception in AVG Firewall through these instructions.
Thank you.

Hello Kristo,
We are sorry to know that the application is still being blocked. Have you disabled AVG temporarily(http://avgclick.me/TempDisableAVG) and checked if you are able to access this application?

Thank you

Hello Joseph,
We regret the inconvenience caused. We would like to let us know whether you have installed AVG paid or trail version on your system and also please check whether you have installed AVG 2015 version or 2016 version. Thank you.