Reembolso urgente

No meu cartão de crédito Caixa Classic foi cobrado o valor de 89,99 pela DRI * AVG Technologies em 31 de agosto de 2020 por algo que tenho certeza absoluta de que não comprei. Como conseguiram obter o número do meu cartão? 

Eu espero que a equipe do AVG providencie o devido reembolso do valor cobrado indevidamente, com a maior urgência,e tome medidas para impedir que transações como essa voltem a acontecer no futuro.

Agradeço pela atenção contando com a solução ao caso.

Hello Antonio,

Support via AVG Community forum is currently available only in English. For example, you can use Google Translate ( for translation.

We regret the inconvenience caused. We'll check and help you with the refund.
Unfortunately, we couldn't locate any active subscription under this email address. We've sent you an email requesting more info to follow. Please check and revert to that email for further assistance.

Hello Antonio,

Support via AVG Community forum is currently available only in English. For example, you can use Google Translate ( for translation.

We regret the inconvenience caused. We'll check and help you with the refund.
Unfortunately, we couldn't locate any active subscription under this email address. We've sent you an email requesting more info to follow. Please check and revert to that email for further assistance.