Ref your E Mails of 3/7/17

Hello David,
I understand the inconvenience caused. I regret to inform you that we do not have option to pause the AVG scan in AVG 2017 version (We only have option to stop the scan and start scan). We are performing a major migration from 2016 to 2017 version. We are rolling out this mandatory update and planning to maintain the 2017 as a standard version. We are receiving feedback from customer to add or remove some of the features, the changes will be at the earliest as possible. If you have any feedback for 2017 version, do provide it through this link: Regrading, AVG scan is taking time and AVG performance program has installed on your computer without your knowledge: I have sent you an email, please follow the email instruction to connect with us remotely, we will check with your installed AVG programs and we will assist you further.
Best regards,

Previous user David Drummond posting (
AVG Guru

Ref reply from Avinash (Customer Support) who replied to my question at 06:47 on 03/07/2017.

Your replies to my previous explanation are totally wrong ! You say
I would like to inform you that you can see the scan progress by clicking on "scan computer" (the same button you use to start the scan) on AVG Internet Security interface.

That is rubbish . If I click on the scan computer before the 14 hour scan has been completed I get a message back saying "you stopped the scan before we could find any hidden threats and if I then clcik on "runb scan again" it goes right back to the beginning, it does not resume from where I stopped so iy seems I have to do the 14 hour scsan to get any informayion about any supposedly "hidden threats" and I still do not know if it is in fact scanning properly So you do not appear to know about your own products?

Also this new scanning block was put on my computer without my permission. I never asked for it and because it did not work When I phoned up the man did not seem to know if there had been any new features but offered to give me a "free diagnosis". I agreed to let him share my screen to see what was happening. He was still not able to tell me whether AVG had introduced any changed software or explain what had happened but indicated I needed to open a service contract to get the advice I requested , so rather reluctantly I agreed and he said it could not be a "simplefix" so I needed to purchase the next one up which cost the incredibly high Price of £99.99. That is disgusting outrageous daylight robbery!

And the virus protection I paid for and had been using without any problems for 3 years was removed. To do that your technician had to take over my computer from the Phillipines and your technicans did uninstall other anti virus or anti malware protection installed (one McAfee and one Norton dating back to before I bought the computer), but despite it costing me £64.99 to  uninstall the previous AVG software THAT HAS NOT SPEEDED UP MY VIRUS SCAN !. It still takes well over 12 hour before you ne software  reports with this silly message "looks good – no threats detected"

May I also point out I did not ask for this new AVG software. Why the hell did you put it on my computer without my permission? And why was I ever charged for correcting the fault caused by AVG puttinh new software on my computer I neither wanted nor needed? I was perfectly happy with the previous software which I had been using without problems for 4 years and previously always expressed a very high opinion of AVG, but now I think your company is a disgrace!

It is outrageous I had to pay you the extortionate sum of £64.99 to supposedly get a fault fixed that AVG put on my computer. I could have got it done for less than half that here in the UK so why the hell was I charged for you correcting a fault which AVG are entirely to blame for not me.

My Dell laptop computer was taken over by your technicians in the Phillipines (Incident t ref 69032545 incident 69114967 .and during this supposed servicing,  all other virus protection software was uninstalled and temporary files cleaned out and temporarily disable any other real-time protection tools, close all open. BUT despite paying the extortiante amount of £64.99, that has not changed the situation. It still takes me 14 fucking hours to do a scan instead of just th two hours it did before? For your reference I paid AVG for virus protection on dec 16th 2016 my licencer number IM2SD-CJH9U-I3MGR-Q2ZLC-VTM6D-BMLB3. I have prebuousl;y paid AVG for vitus protection every year since 2012 and used to have a very high opoinion of AVG. So why do you treat a long standing customer so outrageously. I now feel I am entitled to a full refund for what clearly seems to be "

"BREACH OF CONTRACT" both of the amounts paid for my licenses for past three years and of the £64.99, so I can then uninstall all AVG software and go elsewhere for my virus protection in future.
David Drummond, Reading, Great Britain.

Previous user David Drummond posting (
AVG Guru