Remove openhardwaremonitorlib.sys

Hello Chris,
You've reached the AVG community support forum.
We are sorry to know about your issue. We will certainly check and help you.
Please confirm how long you are facing this issue, whether you get this pop-up randomly or while doing any specific action.  Also, please confirm us the list of AVG programs installed on your PC.  If possible, please provide us the screenshot of that pop-up, we will check and help you. Please refer to the below article to create a screenshot:

Note: Kindly click on "See Details" on the threat pop-up and then share us the screenshot. You can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on Answer & then click on the Image [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions. 

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Hello Chris,
You've reached the AVG community support forum.
We are sorry to know about your issue. We will certainly check and help you.
Please confirm how long you are facing this issue, whether you get this pop-up randomly or while doing any specific action.  Also, please confirm us the list of AVG programs installed on your PC.  If possible, please provide us the screenshot of that pop-up, we will check and help you. Please refer to the below article to create a screenshot:

Note: Kindly click on "See Details" on the threat pop-up and then share us the screenshot. You can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on Answer & then click on the Image [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions. 

Looking forward to hearing from you.

How do you remove this openhardwaremonitorlib.sys file and stop getting AVG message blocked a vulnerable drive. 
Have tried to locate the sys file via control panel etc no luck.