Let me help you with this. Please try to reboot your PC in safe mode and then remove AVG Antivirus as per the steps mentioned here .
I found the problem. the screen settings were hiding the proceed button. changed the settings until it was visible and everything worked as it should. Thanks
I am trying to remove AVG AntiVirus Free. I have tried using the windows removal and all it does is redirect to a AVG page for repair or change. I downloaded the AVG remover and upon running it cant find any AVG products. I downloaded AVG clear and tried to run it, but it goes to a screen asking for the location of AVG antivirus and stops. Any ideas on how to remove this??
I found the problem. the screen settings were hiding the proceed button. changed the settings until it was visible and everything worked as it should. Thanks
Willard, I am glad to hear that the issue is resolved.
If you need anything else in future, please let me know.
Let me help you with this. Please try to reboot your PC in safe mode and then remove AVG Antivirus as per the steps mentioned here .
I followed the directions as per your e mail. However when I try to use AVG clear, it stops at the screen asking for the location of The Anti virus and Data. From that screen there is no apparent way to proceed. There should be something which would allow the program to proceed, but nothing is visible.
Will Varnado
Will Varnado