Renewal payment issue.Cannot reach customer care team/chat/DNS unavailable

Hello Donna,
You've reached the AVG community support forum.
I am sorry to hear that you are unable to contact our Sales team via live chat. We will certainly look into this and help you. As it is not recommended to discuss your order/subscription details over this public post. Hence, we've sent you an email to your registered email address. Please check for the email and revert to us.

Thank you for your understanding.

Notified by AVG email that Internet Security renewal payment was not made.Could NOT reach AVG customer care team or online chat -DNS was unavailable- and AVG form I filled out would not be submitted. So could not contact AVG that credit card information was same and did not need to update, Card bank had denied payment-== as it was confirming possible fraud. It was resolved BUT now need to know from AVG that renewal is paid and only once…Without being able to contact AVG, I  entered same card information but am very concerned renewal was paid twice. Is there an AVG  telephone number I can call?  Is there no  online chat or other means to communicate with AVG support? Thank you,  D F 9-19-2024

Hello Donna,
You've reached the AVG community support forum.
I am sorry to hear that you are unable to contact our Sales team via live chat. We will certainly look into this and help you. As it is not recommended to discuss your order/subscription details over this public post. Hence, we've sent you an email to your registered email address. Please check for the email and revert to us.

Thank you for your understanding.