Renewal Reminders post renewal

Thank you, Phil. 

Please check your e-mail for further assistance.

Hello Phil.
We regret for any inconvenience caused. According to our records, your AVG Internet Security 1 computer (1 year) license was renewed on 3rd Jan 2019 and a confirmation email was sent to you on the same day. But we could not find any record of the renewal notification email following that.

Our billing team ( would be glad to help you with this. Please start a free online chat with them.

My wife and I both have AVG Internet Security on our laptops. The subscriptions renew automatically. The day after we receive email notification that the automatic renewal has gone through, we receive an email reminder to renew our subscription. Phoning AVG support to remedy this disconcerting system seems to incur a charge and we can find no uncharged way of telling the company. Suggestions (other than 'Ignore') gratefully received.

Thanks Avinash. I did as you suggested; please find below the resulting 'e-conversation'.The names and numbers have been anonymised, I hope. The key sentence is this: 'The purpose of my contacting you is to help you improve your systems by not sending renewal reminders to people who have just renewed. This is most disconcerting. Rather you might prompt them to update their device to their new subscription.' Perhaps you could relay this to an appropriate person in your company, please.

'Hello, my name is Rxxxxo. Welcome to AVG Customer Care. Hi Phil! How may I help you today?

Avinash replied to my Forum question and suggested I contact you - see here
Sorry - Hi Rxxxxo. Thank you for your welcome.

I may need a minute or two to check on this and stay on the line please.

Here are the emails you sent to me and my wife the day after we renewed
From Subject To Received Size AVG Renew now: 15 days until your protection expires! Pxxx, 13:01 43 KB
From Subject To Received Size AVG Renew now: 15 days until your protection expires! Pxxx, 13:01 43 KB Sorry Rxxxo, I can't copy and paste them into your system.

I can see that there is a renewal.

Thank you. My wife Oxxx Gxxx renewed automatically for 2 years on 29 December 2018 and I renewed automatically for one year on 03 January 2019. Yet she received an email reminder to renew on 30 December 218 and I received an email reminder on 04 January2019 i.e. the days immediately following renewal.

Upon checking here that there is no 2 years of subscription. You only have 1 year coverage.

I believe you are incorrect but I'll check my wife's machine and advise.
We may have received the reminders to renew because we hadn't updated to the new licence - which we didn't know we had to do. If I am correct in the above assumption (?), it would be better if your notification of renewal advised your customers of the need to update to their new subscription on their device.

That is what is showing here your account as it is posted here in our system.

As I wrote above, my wife Oxxx Gxxx renewed her subscription for 2 years on 29 December 2018. This is not important. The purpose of my contacting you is to help you improve your systems by not sending renewal reminders to people who have just renewed. This is most disconcerting. Rather you might prompt them to update their device to their new subscription.

If your wife bought a new version. what is the email that is being used?

It is in the first sentence of my previous message immediately above. It is not a 'new version' - it is a renewal.

So you use another email that is what happened.

I'm sorry but I cannot agree. We are talking about renewing two different devices and two different licences. But (separately) we both received reminders to renew the day after you advised us that we had automatically renewed - my wife on December 30th and myself on 04 January.

I apologize but it would be best to provide us an order reference number.

Which order reference number do you want, please? Mine or my wife's or both?

Your wife's as we cannot locate here renewed subscription. So you want all products to merge in one account?

5xxxxxxxxx0. No, thanks I do not want to amalgamate. I want you to stop sending us renewal reminders the day after you have automatically renewed our licences. Do you understand?

So you just want to stop the automatic renewal?

No thank you. We want to stop receiving reminders to renew the day after you have automatically renewed.

I see and let me connect you over to the Technical Support.

Hello Romulo - are you still on the line please?

Or you may contact , Should you need further assistance, please call our Technical Support Hotline Below:
United States: +1 9257324274
Great Britain: +44 116 366 85432
Australia: +61 2 8103 4937
Kindly select Option 3 to be connected to one of our technicians So they can set the settings on your subscriptions notification. Is there anything else I can assist you with?

Err, no thank you Rxxxxo. Good night.

Thank you for contacting AVG Sales Support. It’s a pleasure assisting you today. Have a nice day.\\'

Thank you, Phil. 

Please check your e-mail for further assistance.

Thank you Ranjani,

At last I feel as though I have been understood and appreciated.

Your reassurance is (and helpful reminder to activate are) gratefully received.

Best Wishes,
Phil and Eve Goodliffe. 

Thank you Avinash. Reply just now sent with requestedinformation. Phil.

Thank you for your understanding, Phil. 

We have taken this as a valuable suggestion and forwarded to concern team. We will make sure that it won't happen in future. Thank you for letting us know about it. 

Have you activated your two devices using the new license numbers? 

Happy New Year.

We'd like to take this as your valuable feedback.  
I've sent an email to, please revert it with requested information to clarify this.