Hi Oliver,
We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you and lets work together to fix the issue. As checking the details it seems that you have AVG PC TuneUP Unlimited which is valid until 4/24/2019. In order to install the AVG PC TuneUP-Unlimited please follow the below process.
To Uninstall: Start->control panel->programs->select AVG PC TuneUP and uninstall it.
After that please follow the below link for installation of AVG PC TuneUP-Unlimited.
If you need any further assistance, please feel free to contact us. We are always here to help you with your issue.
Thank you
Purchased a two year Performance Unlimited Devices product and it shows on my AVG website as having been purchased with the two year expiration date. However, the version downloaded from the AVG site (where it shows I have the Pro 2 year version) still shows I need to BUY NOW on the actual program when I open it. I uninstalled and reinstalled from AVG site but still showing as maybe the free version without all the features. How do I get the downloaded program to realize it is a paid version?
Hi Oliver,
We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you and lets work together to fix the issue. As checking the details it seems that you have AVG PC TuneUP Unlimited which is valid until 4/24/2019. In order to install the AVG PC TuneUP-Unlimited please follow the below process.
To Uninstall: Start->control panel->programs->select AVG PC TuneUP and uninstall it.
After that please follow the below link for installation of AVG PC TuneUP-Unlimited.
If you need any further assistance, please feel free to contact us. We are always here to help you with your issue.
Thank you