AVG support is currently provided in English only. Please reply your query back in English to assist further.
Vishnu Vardan
Buon giorno , dal mio conto corrente hanno detratto l'importo di 34,99 euro per DRI AVG Technologies orderfind co IRL OPERAZIONE . Nel mio accuont non risulta nessun abbonamento . Perchè questa detrazione ? Di cosa si tratta ? e come debbo chiedere il rimborso se vogliono la richiesta solo in lingua inglese che io non conosco ?
[Italian to English]
renewal avg tuneup
Hi, from my current account they deducted the amount of 34.99 euros for DRI AVG Technologies orderfind with IRL OPERATION. In my accuont there is no subscription. Why this deduction? What is it? and how should I ask for a refund if they want the request only in English that I do not know?
Just for your info Digital River Ireland [DRI] (https://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp?privcapId=32980892) provides eCommerce and payment services for AVG orders processed via AVG web/In App cart.
AVG Guru
Hi Antonio,
AVG support is currently provided in English only. Please reply your query back in English to assist further.
Vishnu Vardan
Antonio, we're sorry for not replying in your language but AVG support is currently available in English only. From the translation provided by Alan, we understand that you are requesting refund for a charge from AVG. We'll certainly assist you with that.
First, your registered email address with us is axxxxxxxxxxxxxo@gmail.com. This order was placed because you agreed to automatic extension of your subscription when you originally purchased AVG TuneUp - Unlimited. We can assure you that we have not processed any unauthorized payments from your card or account. We also sent an email notification 30 days prior to the order being placed to let you know in advance that this payment was due. This email notification was sent to your registered email address and it also contained information on how to cancel your subscription.
Please visit https://support.avg.com/RefundForm to submit a refund request to the concerned team. They will get back and assist you at the earliest.