We noticed that you already submitted your query to our Android support team and they have replied with instructions to activate AVG Pro. Please revert that email if you have any further queries as support for AVG Android products is provided through email only.
Appreciate your understanding.
I have asked for a way to install AVG Pro upon my Samsung tablet, but up to now l just recieved conflicting advice.
the latest tells me to,
1. Open AVG AAntivirus appapp
2. Tap on drawer (3 Linesnes)on top-left of app ans elect Login opoption or My Account
3. Enter our My AccountAccount email address PP(—zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz)and papassword.
The problem l have is none of this is relevent to the Samsung tablet SM T580
l did not realise that my AAVG protection was still valid and so purchased the AVG PRO offer and nobody took the time to inform me that the starr were taking money off me for software that l already had and paid for. And now everyone seem to continually give me advise, which does nothing but confuse matters. I was told to Google Play Store and from that point not one single action was relevent to my table.
We noticed that you already submitted your query to our Android support team and they have replied with instructions to activate AVG Pro. Please revert that email if you have any further queries as support for AVG Android products is provided through email only.
Appreciate your understanding.