Say goodbye to Jump Lists

Hello Henry,
We regret for the inconvenience caused. We would request you to confirm whether you have done any optimization in AVG PC Tune up recently? Since you have mentioned that you couldn't delete the application data, are you mentioning clearing of Caches and logs in "Free up Space" in AVG Interface? Thank you.

When you right click on a program in the start menu Win 10, you see the recent documents, that is a jump list.
When you AVG Zen PC Tune Up, not only is the recent file list erased, it does not restore as you use the programs.  The recent files repopulate only within the program itself, such a Word or Excel. 
The fix for MS Office is to delete all the files in these 2 destinations.

There are 2 files that don't delete, but that is ok.  I have not found a fix for non-microsoft programs such as Adobe Reader or Quicken, short of reinstalling the programs.

Thank you for sharing the information. We hope you are not having any issues with those undeleted files and please, feel free to let us know if you require any further assistance.

Hello Henry,
We regret for the inconvenience caused. We would request you to confirm whether you have done any optimization in AVG PC Tune up recently? Since you have mentioned that you couldn't delete the application data, are you mentioning clearing of Caches and logs in "Free up Space" in AVG Interface? Thank you.

I am saying immediately after running PC Tune up, the Mainenance option, jump lists (as found on items in the start menu by right clicking) disappear and never return.

If one searches for the two folders mentioned, there are 8 or 10 files in each.  One can delete most of them, but two remain, I forget which folder.  After that the jump lists repopulate as you use files specific to Microsoft apps like word and excel.