Scan history in the new interface

@ Alan Binch - Bit aggressive your answer…not appreciated. 

As it goes, the response in the other post does not answer my question merely provokes another comment. To ALL in this community, I have posted my response in the above link.

Les …, See your other posting (
Les, Also please try to keep the whole conversation in one question/thread to speed up any resolution.
AVG Guru

Hello All,

I have recently updated avg to the latest interface. On the old interface I regularly checked the scan history to see what was going on, I cannot find the scan history in the new interface. Could you advise please where I can find the information?

Many thanks

Les …, See your other posting (
Les, Also please try to keep the whole conversation in one question/thread to speed up any resolution.
AVG Guru

@ Alan Binch - Bit aggressive your answer…not appreciated. 

As it goes, the response in the other post does not answer my question merely provokes another comment. To ALL in this community, I have posted my response in the above link.

Les, scan report must be enabled in the scan settings first. To generate a scan report please follow the below steps,(for example: Deep virus scan is considered.)
- Open AVG
- Open Scan setting (symbol of gear, bottom of the window)
- Open Deep Virus Scan setting (symbol of gear, Deep Virus Scan tile)
- Click on "Report file"
- Check "Generate report", fill "Filename" (e.g. AVGScanReport), and check all reported items (Infected items, Hard errors, Soft errors, OK Items, Skipped items)
- Click on "OK" and "OK"