Scheduled Scans Disappear

I had a remote access session with AVG, as my version tho up to date kept failing to load. The upshot was I need to pay for a further technical service! They suggested £90 then £40 Then £19!!! No thanks!  I eventually Googled and solved it by simply uninstalling and reinstalling AVG. But My version although scheduled to scan is also saying last scan 'never' and is not updating!!! Ive never had these problems before with AVG and had the free version for years.

OK I upgraded and restarted. Now I'm on version 18.3.3051. But I don't see any difference. I go in and schedule the scan, click OK, and afterward I don't see any evidence of the scheduled scan anywhere. It looks exactly the same as my previous screenshots.

So now that you have looked at the logs, can you explain why Scheduled Scans that are entered appear not to be saved and don't show up anywhere where they can be viewed?

I am glad patrick porret posted so you can see I am not the only one experiencing this.

I got an email asking to do remote control of my computer. But that is not possible. I just want to know what the problem is and how to fix it and can do it myself if you tell me.

They did not explain why they have to do remote access to get these logs instead of tell me what to do and get it for them.

I also have explained repeatedly that remote access, according to you, is not available on my computer. But this keeps being ignored as you just tell me to do remote access. Your own materials say it cannot be done on my computer.

Also what do you mean "remove existing AVG Scheduled Scan"? There IS no scheduled scan because they don't work. When I schedule a scan, the second I hit OK, it just disappears without a trace. That's the whole reason for this support thread.

I am happy to get you any information or logs you want. So just tell me how to do it and I will do it and send them it. Remote access might be nice but does not work on this computer for reasons you explain in your own materials right here:


Is there any progress with figuring out the problem based on my logs?

Wow… I found this thread because I'm having the exact same issue as A F. I'm extremely disappointed with how AVG Support dealt with him. I guess the only solution is to remove AVG then reinstall. AVG wanted to charge Sue Gordon for support with faulty software??? REALLY!!! Shame on AVG. Guess I'll be fixing this myself.

Same exact problem as A F.   My scheduled scans disappear and do not seem to save and I can never tell if the scan actually happened. I am also going to try uninstall and re-install.

I had a remote access session with AVG, as my version tho up to date kept failing to load. The upshot was I need to pay for a further technical service! They suggested £90 then £40 Then £19!!! No thanks!  I eventually Googled and solved it by simply uninstalling and reinstalling AVG. But My version although scheduled to scan is also saying last scan 'never' and is not updating!!! Ive never had these problems before with AVG and had the free version for years.

We are going round and round in circles. Please read through this thread from start to finish and see how many times we've been through the same point. We already talked about the request for remote connection. And I already told you that the logs I submitted were from right after trying to set up Scheduled Scans. I have also offered to provide any additional logs you need if you tell me what they are, but that if you want logs from after trying to schedule a scan, you already have them. After we agreed you already have those logs, I waited a week, only to be asked the exact same questions from scratch again. Are we making any progress at all here?

After a week have you looked at my logs to determine why Scheduled Scans disappear as soon as they are scheduled?

I had a scan scheduled to run on a certain day. Today I noticed it said Last Scan: Never. I looked and the scheduled scan is nowhere to be found. So I clicked to schedule a scan to put the information in again. But when I finished entering it, it was just gone again. My original scheduled scan is gone. And I can't set up a new one because when I try, I hit OK in the end and it's just gone. I don't understand what changed or what I'm doing wrong.

I click on the gear next to Scan Computer, I click on Schedule Scan, I go through all the options on the left side and put in my preferences, then I hit OK, and there's no sign I ever entered it. What am I doing wrong?

Hi  in the schedule programA F,

I'm happy (if I can say) to see that I'm not the only AVG user to have this problem…
It's impossible to schedule daily analysis of my computer. I correctly feel boxes to schedule daily analysis but AVG never keeps my informations and every time I have to launch a manual analysis.
My AVG version is 18 3 3051 (build 18 3 3860 309


I apologize for the inconvenience.

In the current release, AVG User Interface will show the “Last scan run” data only if you press "Scan Computer" floating button and not for any other scans like quick scan, deep scan and full computer scan or scheduled scan.

I would request you to restart your computer once, set a new scheduled scan and monitor the status. If you face any difficulties please let me know to assist further.

No they did not explain why they need remote access. Only that they want to do it. But like I said, it can't be done on this computer.

I already posted screenshots in this thread showing the Schedule Scan settings as I go through and set it up and then the interface after I do it showing no trace of there being a scheduled scan. Now you want me to just take the same screenshots at the time the scheduled scan is supposed to run?

By the way, is this a problem you are unable to replicate on your end? When you use this same version and schedule scans, the scheduled scans are remaining scheduled and showing up so you can see them in the main page?

A F,

The email you have receieved is from our senior team. Please follow the email steps to get in touch with them remotely. They will analyze the issue with AVG and let you know the reason for the scheduled scan issue.

But I already did that. I already ran Sysinfo and sent you logs. And that was after multiple times scheduling scans and seeing it disappear. So don't you already have that information? I feel like we're going in circles.

I am sorry to hear that.

Please send me the screenshot where it states that scheduled scan is set and the other screenshot where it does not display the scheduled scan settings.

Same exact problem as A F.   My scheduled scans disappear and do not seem to save and I can never tell if the scan actually happened. I am also going to try uninstall and re-install.

I got in touch and told them I cannot do remote assist. I don't want to either. Remote assist cannot be a required thing especially since it cannot be done on some computers. I am waiting to hear back from them by email.

I am sorry to hear that the issue persists.

I have sent you an email with the steps to collect error logs from your computer.

Please follow the steps from the email and we will assist you further.