Since installing avg on my 2 laptops i have completelyy lost the ability to print to my dell aio 968....the printer is connected via usb connector....if i disable avg printing is back to i missing a setting?

Rlmlozano, Which AVG product are you actually referring to?.
AVG Guru

Hi ,
In order to analyze it please provide us with diagnostic output (gather it right after inducing issue) using this tool and please add detailed description of issue.

since installing avg on my 2 laptops i have completelyy lost the ability to print to my dell aio 968 printer…the printer is connected via usb connector…if i disable avg printing is back to normal…am i missing a setting?

Rlmlozano, Which AVG product are you actually referring to?.
AVG Guru

Hi ,
In order to analyze it please provide us with diagnostic output (gather it right after inducing issue) using this tool and please add detailed description of issue.