Hello Knut.
Support is currently available in English only.
If you are seeing the ads about other AVG products on the AVG Internet Security interface, you can opt out from receiving them.
Open AVG Internet Security, click Menu -> Settings -> General -> Personal Privacy. Uncheck 'Show offers for other AVG products', 'Shows offers for 3rd party products' and click OK to save the settings.
Sluta skicka all er jävla reklam om ytterligare köp
Hello Knut.
Support is currently available in English only.
If you are seeing the ads about other AVG products on the AVG Internet Security interface, you can opt out from receiving them.
Open AVG Internet Security, click Menu -> Settings -> General -> Personal Privacy. Uncheck 'Show offers for other AVG products', 'Shows offers for 3rd party products' and click OK to save the settings.