Subscription renewed without authorisation

I sincerely apologize for the confusion. Initially, the auto renewal of your AVG Internet Security unlimited 60 day trial product hasn't got processed due to server issue, hence you have received the email stating that the card has expired. Then the product got auto renewed in second attempt, hence you have been auto renewed for AVG Internet Security - Unlimited (1 year subscription) and it is now valid till 6/2/2019. As per your request, I have moved your case to refund team. They will process your request and get back to you via email within 3 business days.

I recently signed up for a 60-day free trial. However, for some reason there were problems processing my payment card. I didn't persue it as it wasn't particularly important to me as I planned on changing my laptop anyway. For the past few weeks I have been getting emails from AVG telling me:

" Your AVG Internet Security (60-day Trial) subscription will expire on 02 June 2018, because we're unable to process your payment.

This may be because your payment card ending in ************6018 has been blocked, has expired or will expire before your renewal date on 30 May 2018."

The message added that should I wish to resubscribe, I should do it manually using the link in the email. Again, I did nothing as I did not wish to renew. Today, however, I received a bill from AVG for £49.99:

" Your AVG Internet Security subscription has been automatically renewed, and your payment card has been charged the amount below. Aside from keeping this email as your proof of purchase, you don't need to do anything except enjoy your ongoing subscription. "

So how come I've been charged when you couldn't process my card and you have repeatedly informed me that my account will expire? I do NOT wish to renew my subscription and was under the impression I would not be charged past 30th March. I would appreciate your advice on this matter in order to obtain a full refund.

I sincerely apologize for the confusion. Initially, the auto renewal of your AVG Internet Security unlimited 60 day trial product hasn't got processed due to server issue, hence you have received the email stating that the card has expired. Then the product got auto renewed in second attempt, hence you have been auto renewed for AVG Internet Security - Unlimited (1 year subscription) and it is now valid till 6/2/2019. As per your request, I have moved your case to refund team. They will process your request and get back to you via email within 3 business days.