Suscripcion en U$S o ARS?

Hello Saul,

We are glad to clarify this to you.
We request you not to share any of your personal or sensitive information over the public forum.
The support for this channel is available in English. Please use a translator (for example, to read our reply.
You will be charged in ARS and also $39.99 is equivalent to 499 ARS.
Thank you.

For your convenience, we have provided the translation below which was done using Google Translator.

Hola Saul,

Nos complace aclararle esto. Le solicitamos que no comparta su información personal o confidencial en el foro público. El soporte para este canal está disponible en inglés. Utilice un traductor (por ejemplo, para leer nuestra respuesta. Se le cobrará en ARS y también $ 39,99 equivale a 499 ARS. Gracias.
Hola, he recibido dos notificaciones, una en ingles y otra en español, con diferentes importes:
"Este es un recordatorio de que su AVG Internet Security (Multidispositivo) expira el 7 de noviembre de 2021 y va a pagar 499 ARS (impuestos incluidos)."
"This is our friendly reminder that your AVG TuneUp (Multi-Device, 60-day Trial) will end on November 7, 2021 and you will be charged $39.99 (plus applicable taxes)."
¿Podrian clarificar que valor cobrarían cuando llegue la fecha  indicada?
Mi lugar de residencia es la Republica Argentina.



Hello Saul,

We are glad to clarify this to you.
We request you not to share any of your personal or sensitive information over the public forum.
The support for this channel is available in English. Please use a translator (for example, to read our reply.
You will be charged in ARS and also $39.99 is equivalent to 499 ARS.
Thank you.

For your convenience, we have provided the translation below which was done using Google Translator.

Hola Saul,

Nos complace aclararle esto. Le solicitamos que no comparta su información personal o confidencial en el foro público. El soporte para este canal está disponible en inglés. Utilice un traductor (por ejemplo, para leer nuestra respuesta. Se le cobrará en ARS y también $ 39,99 equivale a 499 ARS. Gracias.
From your answer I deduce that I have to pay in pesos 499 plus 39.99 in dollars, that is to say, pay in two currencies, when I can use only pesos.
I really need to know what is the total amount to be paid.

Hello Saul,
The total amount need to be paid for AVG Internet Security and AVG Tune Up is ARS 4,492.03. Since the automatic renewal is enabled for both the subscriptions, you will charged automatically on expiry of the subscription.
Thank you.