Suscripción por un año a AVG TUNE UP

Carlos. This Community is basically English language… Query translation…
[Spanish to English]
One year subscription to AVG TUNE UP
One hour ago I completed the form published by AVG in my account, subscribing to AVG TUNE UP for one year ($ A 359, oo), paying for my VISA card but, so far, I have not received any notification or activation of the program. Is this well roasted or deceived?
Please request a response.
AVG Guru

Hace una hora completé el formulario publicado por AVG en mi cuenta, suscribiéndome a AVG TUNE UP por un año ($A 359,oo), abonando con cargo a mi tarjeta VISA pero, hasta el momento no he recibido ninguna notificación, ni activación del programa. ¿Ésto, ésta bien asó o he sido engañado?.
Por favor ruego una respuesta.

We apologize for the difficulties. To assist you better, we request you to contact our sales support via online chat where they will help you to locate, activate and install your AVG program.

Calls from outside the US, UK or AU may be subject to international charges from your telephone provider.
AVG Sales Support: United States: +1 844 259 8811 UK: +44 (0) 800 652 4940 Australia: +61 1800 429 319.

Please feel free to get back to us for any issues with AVG. Thank you!

Carlos. This Community is basically English language… Query translation…
[Spanish to English]
One year subscription to AVG TUNE UP
One hour ago I completed the form published by AVG in my account, subscribing to AVG TUNE UP for one year ($ A 359, oo), paying for my VISA card but, so far, I have not received any notification or activation of the program. Is this well roasted or deceived?
Please request a response.
AVG Guru