Sys 7:Windows Update quit working, Background Intelligence Transfer Services (BITS) &Task Scheduler

Hi Henry,

AVG PC Tune 2005 shouldn't interfere with Windows Update or your BITS services (for Windows Update) services. It does sound like there are a number of issues you are having with Windows itself. Are you able to backup your data and reinstall Windows at all?

(1) Windows Update in Sys 7 has quit working (Error Code 80246008) & the fix for EC 80246008 which revealed cause was (2) Background Intelligence Transfer Services (BITS) has stopped working, but when I try to restart BITS using "Properties" it gave me"Error 1068: The dependency group or service failed to start."


The MS Troubleshooter (& Mr. FixIt) finds both problems (1) & (2) but can NOT resolve or fix either problem. I've spent hours and all applicable Troubleshooters none have help fix (1) or (2), nor has anything else I've found help fix or resolve either of the problems.


Separate issue, but I report it since it may somehow be tied into the above is I've also found "Task Scheduler" is no longer enabled, and I can NOT find a way to restart it.

Could AVG PC TuneUp 2015 have turned any of these off, or unenabled them, or had some part in causing any of the above, or in stopping any of the fixes from working?


Please help me if you have any experience with these or ideas to resolve any of them.

Hi Henry,

AVG PC Tune 2005 shouldn't interfere with Windows Update or your BITS services (for Windows Update) services. It does sound like there are a number of issues you are having with Windows itself. Are you able to backup your data and reinstall Windows at all?