Ten onrechte afgeschreven

Hi Eddy,

AVG Support through this channel is available only in English.

On checking your account, you have been charged EUR 59.99 for AVG Secure VPN for Windows on Sep 26, 2019 and AVG Internet Security - Unlimited on Jul 30, 2019.

I can process refund for the recent charge for AVG Secure VPN. I am sorry, the refund for AVG Internet Security is not eligible as it has passed the 30-day refund policy.

Shall I go ahead and process full refund for AVG Secure VPN?

Hoi lieve mensen,

Mijn ING rekening wordt 2 keer afgeschreven van een bedrag van 59,99. Het schijnt dat ik met mijn credit card laatste vier cijfer 1835 de product gekocht had.
naar mijn weten heb ik niets gekocht. 
Zou u een onderzoek instellen en desnoods de twee bedragen van 59,99 terug storten op mijn rekening.


Eddy Maduro

Hi Eddy,

AVG Support through this channel is available only in English.

On checking your account, you have been charged EUR 59.99 for AVG Secure VPN for Windows on Sep 26, 2019 and AVG Internet Security - Unlimited on Jul 30, 2019.

I can process refund for the recent charge for AVG Secure VPN. I am sorry, the refund for AVG Internet Security is not eligible as it has passed the 30-day refund policy.

Shall I go ahead and process full refund for AVG Secure VPN?