This program has become completely annoying

Hello Michael,
You've reached the AVG community support forum.
I sincerely apologize for inconvenience and empathize with your frustartion. I understand how you feel, as these notifications can be sometimes very inconvenient. Our marketing team is already working to create a smoother experience. To resolve the issue :

Please open AVG [Internet Security/ TuneUp/Driver Updater] and click "Menu" > "Settings" > "General" > "Personal Privacy" .Within "Personal Privacy", please deselect options under the "Offers" and "Personalization" sections. This will stop any further offers of this type. If you need further assistance you can also follow the below article :

I hope this help you to resolve the doubt. if you need anything else at all, feel free to message me at any time. I’d be happy to help.

Thank you for your understanding.

AVG with their begging for more money by subscribing to an ever increasing number of products. instead of including this stuiff fiarly into a main product they have developed a proliferation of micro products for you to spend more money on. besides this they have incessant popups demanding you to resubscribe. My question is how do I kill/stop/get rid of these obnoxious and pushy aggressive popups? They totally interfere with my activities and just make me angrier with this stupid company. cannot wait for my sub to run out so i can get a different anti virus program that isnt fucking annoying like this one.

that was deselected long ago. what i am getting now are random popups telling me i should resubscribe then i close that and the app itself pops up unrequested right when i am in the middle of other stuff. i will be so glad to finally get rid of AVG. I have been using it since probably 2007ish. used the free one for years it was fine. then subscribed for a while was fine then this company started getting obnoxious, pushy and greedy. so im done.

Hello Michael,
You've reached the AVG community support forum.
I sincerely apologize for inconvenience and empathize with your frustartion. I understand how you feel, as these notifications can be sometimes very inconvenient. Our marketing team is already working to create a smoother experience. To resolve the issue :

Please open AVG [Internet Security/ TuneUp/Driver Updater] and click "Menu" > "Settings" > "General" > "Personal Privacy" .Within "Personal Privacy", please deselect options under the "Offers" and "Personalization" sections. This will stop any further offers of this type. If you need further assistance you can also follow the below article :

I hope this help you to resolve the doubt. if you need anything else at all, feel free to message me at any time. I’d be happy to help.

Thank you for your understanding.