To to remove

Similar issue (although not exactly the same). Here is a screenshot showing the details tab as requested. Would like to understand what is triggering this attempt to download and delete it.

Thank you for getting back to me.  Here's the screen shot showing that AVG had aborted connection  on   And, this threat has come up several times over the past several months.
User-added image

Hi Roman,

We will certainly look into this and help you.
Please let us know when you are receiving this threat popup. Is that when you are accessing a particular program or when browsing the internet?
In the threat popup, click "Show details" option which will reflect the exact URL or file path and provide us the screenshot of the popup reflecting the details to assist further.
You can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on Answer & then click on the Image [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions.

how to remove  AVG keeps aborting this vile program.   And, every so often it comes back to be aborted by AVG 

Similar issue (although not exactly the same). Here is a screenshot showing the details tab as requested. Would like to understand what is triggering this attempt to download and delete it.

Hi Roman,

We will certainly look into this and help you.
Please let us know when you are receiving this threat popup. Is that when you are accessing a particular program or when browsing the internet?
In the threat popup, click "Show details" option which will reflect the exact URL or file path and provide us the screenshot of the popup reflecting the details to assist further.
You can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on Answer & then click on the Image [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions.

Hi Andrew.
Thank you for reaching us here.
It looks like a malicious extention in Google chrome is trying to connect to the website mentioned in the pop up.
I'd request you to reset Google chrome to default settings or reinstall it.
Let us know if the pop up continues to appear even after reinstalling Chrome.

Roman, we request you to click on "see details" of the threat detection popup and then take a clear picture of that window.
Attach the image in your next post and let us know how often you get the threat detection popup for
Does it appear when you browse on the internet?
If yes, check whether it appears on a particular browser or on all of the browsers?