Отмена подписки


The support available here is in English currently. You can for example use Google Translator (https://bit.ly/2xAiEc8) for translation purpose.
We acknowledge your refund request. Upon checking your account, we're unable to locate the charge.
As it isn't recommended to share the order/account info over this post, we've sent you an email requesting few info.
Please revert to us via email to proceed further.

Здравствуйте, у меня с карты списали 3108 рублей за подписку на антивирус, но программы на компьютере уже давно нет а аккаунт на котором была оформлена подписка утерян что мне делать?

The support available here is in English currently. You can for example use Google Translator (https://bit.ly/2xAiEc8) for translation purpose.
We acknowledge your refund request. Upon checking your account, we're unable to locate the charge.
As it isn't recommended to share the order/account info over this post, we've sent you an email requesting few info.
Please revert to us via email to proceed further.