Transaction on my credit card


We apologize for the inconvenience. We'll check & help you with this.
Unfortunately, we couldn't locate any active AVG subscriptions under the email address you've used to contact us here.
We've sent you an email requesting more info to follow. Please check and revert to that email for further assistance.

there is a transaction  fee of 27.99 Saudi reyal was redacted from my credit card account without  my permission please refund this money back to my credit card account 
thank you 

Hello Peta,

We're sorry for the inconvenience caused. We'll look into this further.
Please write back to us in your own/new post, so that we can access your email address & send you an email with further instructions.

Thank you for understanding.

A tranaction has occured on my credt card no account sent to me for renewal or authorised the taking of payment  when its twice the amount as payed last time


We apologize for the inconvenience. We'll check & help you with this.
Unfortunately, we couldn't locate any active AVG subscriptions under the email address you've used to contact us here.
We've sent you an email requesting more info to follow. Please check and revert to that email for further assistance.