TrueCrypt login

Phil, Mac OS… Please click on the following link ( and fill out your details, select as Mac OS then the name of AVG Program that you installed in your device and in description please completely explain about your issue and finally click on the 'Start Chat' option. You will start a live, online chat with one of the AVG agents.
AVG Guru

Phil, Mac OS… Please click on the following link ( and fill out your details, select as Mac OS then the name of AVG Program that you installed in your device and in description please completely explain about your issue and finally click on the 'Start Chat' option. You will start a live, online chat with one of the AVG agents.
AVG Guru

HI Alan, Thank you for getting back to me. I sat yesterday with the page "loading" for over an hour and finally stopped the page from loading because I felt I was running out of time to accomplish tasks. I've been letting the page load this morning for over 40 mins. Most links to chat with support load you to a page and tell you someone will be with you shortly. Am I not getting linked into you guys or is this the way I "wait" for chat?  Thanks!  Phil

AVG Anti Virus stopped a couple Trojan Horses and several phishing files on Wednesday morning. I then proceeded to get to work and tried opening TrueCrypt, which contains my work files. I keep getting this error: The MacFUSE file system is not available (-1). I have been searching for the last 24 hours while trying to do what work I can without these files for a solution to discover that MacFUSE is no longer supported (worthless?).


I have attempted to reverse the Quarantine of the AVG files, wondering if those were somehow the culprits that were involved--that didn't work so then I ran AVG again completely to remove all of those again. When I got home from work, I discovered that my AirPort and Time Machine have not communicated since Oct 15. I am in the middle of a new back up which is taking forever. I'm not sure what to do next. I hate to think of restoring my computer to Oct 15 when I was able to access the files. Is there a way to restore my computer to the status before the security upgrade?


What would you recommend? Any suggestions or any awareness of the viral component that has lockedme out of TrueCRypt?


MacBook Pro OS X Yosemite 10.10.5, 2.7 GHz Intel Core i7, 16 GB, 500 GB hardrive

MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013), Mac OS X (10.5.8), Yosemite 10.10.5, 2.7 GHz Intel Cor

You've sent me a survey to evaluate your services and nobody has been back in touch with me to resolve this issue? Is it marked completed in your files?

No, I think that is not a valid post. It is from some other user. Please ignore it, Phil.

I spent some time with Satham looking around in my computer. He says he is escalating this to your concerned team. So, I will begin waiting again.

Hello Phil.

No, your escalated case is still open and it was escalated on 11th December 2015. It seems that it will take some more time for our team to send you the reply, so I request you to wait for the email patiently. The case reference is 02603273. Thank you.