Trying to download and install latest upgrade

Hi Ernest,
I can understand your frustration.
To resolve the issue please follow the steps provided in this article :

Note : Please run the AVG Clear first and then the AVG Remover

Once uninstalled, please reinstall the AVG Products from

Let me know if you experience any difficulties and I will help you with a Remote Service for free.

I hit a "roadblock" at point where I'm requested to click on save then to double click on the download fil. The response I get is that a download is in process - it fhis is so how? And when will it end as this has been case now for two days!!!
Frustrated beyond belief. If I can't get this remidied I will be cancelling my subscription of many years and taking on another product.

Hi Ernest,
I can understand your frustration.
To resolve the issue please follow the steps provided in this article :

Note : Please run the AVG Clear first and then the AVG Remover

Once uninstalled, please reinstall the AVG Products from

Let me know if you experience any difficulties and I will help you with a Remote Service for free.