Tune Up Disk Doctor no longer see my USB drives

Hi Russell,

We're sorry to hear that.
Initially, please let us know the program version of the AVG TuneUp installed in your computer.
Secondly, we'd request you to reinstall your AVG TuneUp once & check if the issue persists.
We've sent you an email with further instructions. Please check your inbox/spam folders to find the email and use it to get back to us.

Hello Russell. I've just sent you an email with a more detailed explanation, but I'll also share the information I obtained from our specialists here.

Sadly, external drives are no longer scanned in Disk Doctor due to a variety of issues with this functionality.

Thank you for understanding. 

Hi all, as the subject states in the past I could see my USB drives in Disk Doctor even just to rescan before recommended date if attached but since the beginning of August can only see the physical drives on my PC. Is this an update issue, USB no longer supported, or something else?

Russell Humphreys

Hi Russell,

We're sorry to hear that.
Initially, please let us know the program version of the AVG TuneUp installed in your computer.
Secondly, we'd request you to reinstall your AVG TuneUp once & check if the issue persists.
We've sent you an email with further instructions. Please check your inbox/spam folders to find the email and use it to get back to us.