Atze, This Community is basically English language… Query translation…
Good day,
I have TuneUp Utilities ™ installed in 2014 and made the One click maintenance.
It informed me TU with the supposedly the "Teredo Tunneling Pseudo Interface would not work.
I got the invitation in the device manager to search for new drivers.
When I did that I was told by the Windows Teredo Tunneling Pseudo Interface for the latest driver did.
Why then shows me TU as a bullshit?
Who can give me edazu say something to create the remedy?
With best regards
AVG Guru
Good day,
I have TuneUp Utilities ™ installed in 2014 and made the One click maintenance.
It informed me TU with the supposedly the "Teredo Tunneling Pseudo Interface would not work.
I got the invitation in the device manager to search for new drivers.
When I did that I was told by the Windows Teredo Tunneling Pseudo Interface for the latest driver did.
Why then shows me TU as a bullshit?
Who can give me edazu say something to create the remedy?
With best regards
Atze Lehmann
Hi Atze,
In order to analyze it please provide us with diagnostic output using this tool and please add detailed description of issue.
Guten Tag,
Ich habe TuneUp Utilities ™ 2014 installiert und die Ein Klick Wartung gemacht.
Dabei teilte mir TU mit das angeblich das "Teredo Tunneling Pseudo Interface nicht funktionieren würde.
Ich bekam die Aufforderung im Gerätemanager nach neuen Treibern zu suchen.
Als ich das tat wurde mir von Windows mitgeteilt das Teredo Tunneling Pseudo Interface den aktuellsten Treiber hätte.
Warum zeigt mir dann TU so einen Bockmist an?
Wer kann mir edazu etwas sagen um dem Abhilfe zu schaffen?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Atze Lehmann
Good day,
I have TuneUp Utilities ™ installed in 2014 and made the One click maintenance.
It informed me TU with the supposedly the "Teredo Tunneling Pseudo Interface would not work.
I got the invitation in the device manager to search for new drivers.
When I did that I was told by the Windows Teredo Tunneling Pseudo Interface for the latest driver did.
Why then shows me TU as a bullshit?
Who can give me edazu say something to create the remedy?
With best regards
Atze Lehmann
Atze, This Community is basically English language… Query translation…
Good day,
I have TuneUp Utilities ™ installed in 2014 and made the One click maintenance.
It informed me TU with the supposedly the "Teredo Tunneling Pseudo Interface would not work.
I got the invitation in the device manager to search for new drivers.
When I did that I was told by the Windows Teredo Tunneling Pseudo Interface for the latest driver did.
Why then shows me TU as a bullshit?
Who can give me edazu say something to create the remedy?
With best regards
AVG Guru
Hi Atze,
In order to analyze it please provide us with diagnostic output using this tool and please add detailed description of issue.