I will certainly check this for you.
Please share us the screenshot of the threat message to assist further.
Click on the "mountain image" in this post to attach the screenshot.
I disabled AVG and was able to unsubscribe from some emails I was getting with no errors.
Had nothing to do with Firefox.
Seems to be an AVG issue. Probably why I never saw it when using MS anti-virus.
I tried to unsubscribe from an email source and got a message that AVG blocked the action as it determined that it's a phishing issue. The message states, " Threat Secured. We've safely aborted connection on www.optout-vxrf.net because it was infected with a URL:Phising. More threats may be lurking!" I'd expect that the opt out or un-subscribe would need to check the email address/IP address to remove it from their mailing list. I don't remember having this issue prior to re-installing AVG after using MS anti-virus for a bit. Do I need to disable AVG in order to unsubscribe from email lists or is AVG going to block every un-subscribe link thinking it's phishing? I have a screen print of the AVG message but can't post it here. Any suggestion on how to un-subscribe without AVG blocking it? Thanks.
Hello Max,
I will certainly check this for you.
Please share us the screenshot of the threat message to assist further.
Click on the "mountain image" in this post to attach the screenshot.