Una fattura ma due diversi accrediti

Hello Lidia,
We apologize for not replying in your language. The support is only in English. If you are comfortable with English, We  are glad to assist you with the same.
Thank you.

Scusate l'italiano.
Ho ricevuto fattura per rinnovo automatico di 45,99€ ma gli addebiti sono 2, 45,99€ + 30.99€.
Il numero d'ordine è 703-0206868 + 703-0206805 
in myaccount avg non riesco a risalire alle specifiche ed ho problemi a contattare il centro assistenza per telefono dato che non parlo inglese
inoltre ero convinta di aver pagato già per quest'anno, ma magari mi confondo io.
potreste aiutarmi o darmi un contatto? grazie
Hello Lidia,
Thank you for your reply in English.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused. We will help you with that.
Upon reviving your account using your Order numbers, we confirm that you have AVG Internet Security which cost € 45.99 and AVG Performance which costs around € 30.99 and it will get expire on 2017.2.15.
If you still have any issue regarding your Billing, we request you to contact our AVG Billing team via the following link to assist you better. Please click on the following link https://support.avg.com/support_sales?l=en_US and choose "Chat us online" at the end of the page. One of our representative will check this for you.
Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance.
Thank you.

translated with Google:
I received an invoice for automatic renewal of € 45.99 but the charges are 2 € 45.99 + € 30.99 . The order number is 703-0206868 + 703-0206805 in myaccount avg I can not go back to the specific problems and I have to contact the service center by phone since I do not speak English I was also convinced that he had already paid for this year , but maybe I get confused myself. could you help me or give me a contact ? thank you