Unable to access Windows 10 or Microsoft

Hello Gareth,

We will help you in this.
Disable the AVG temporarily by following the steps in the below article and check if you are able to access those files.
If you are able to access, share us the screenshot of error you get with MS & Windows 10 files when the AVG is On.
You can refer this link for the steps to capture the screenshot : https://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?urlname=AVG-Create-screenshot

Since you installed AVG a few days ago i've been unable to access my documents anything to do with Microsoft or windows 10
Hello Gareth,

We will help you in this.
Disable the AVG temporarily by following the steps in the below article and check if you are able to access those files.
If you are able to access, share us the screenshot of error you get with MS & Windows 10 files when the AVG is On.
You can refer this link for the steps to capture the screenshot : https://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?urlname=AVG-Create-screenshot