Unable to add an account to Outlook

Hello Rodolfo,
We're sorry to hear that you're facing this trouble, we regret the inconvenience caused.
We will certainly look into it and help you.
May I know how do you confirm/suspect that AVG causing this issue?
We request you to disable the AVG AntiVirus and check if you're able to add/create on Outlook.
Temporarily disabling AVG AntiVirus protection
Thank you.

When trying to add an account to my Outlook app, I get the following error message: We couldnt create the Outlook data file. Makre sure the disk you're saving to isn't fule or write-protected and that the file ins't being used.

Hello Rodolfo,
We're sorry to hear that you're facing this trouble, we regret the inconvenience caused.
We will certainly look into it and help you.
May I know how do you confirm/suspect that AVG causing this issue?
We request you to disable the AVG AntiVirus and check if you're able to add/create on Outlook.
Temporarily disabling AVG AntiVirus protection
Thank you.