Unlawful withdrawal from my bankaccount

Hello Vibeke,

We acknowledge your refund request.
You will be charged for AVG automatically when the auto renewal of the subscription is enabled.
In your case, we found another account in which there was a typo made in the email address.
On that account, you subscribed for AVG TuneUp - Unlimited Devices (1 year subscription) which had auto renewal enabled.
Hence, you are charged DKK259,00 for its renewal.
We have forwarded the request to concern team. Keep checking your email to know about refund status.
Once you receive the refunded amount, you can delete AVG my account using this link: https://www.avg.com/gdpr .
Feel free to contact us if you need further help.
Dear Sirs,

About a year ago I cancelled all my subscriptions with AVG.
Great was my surprise when I discoveren today that DKK 259,00 had been drawn from my account.
This must be a mistake, and I request that the amount that the amount is placed into my account immediately.
I am surprised that a company like AVG uses these unethical business methods. At no time have I been told that the money would be drawn.
Sincerely yours V. Walleen
PS - please delete all my data from your files

Hello Vibeke,

We acknowledge your refund request.
You will be charged for AVG automatically when the auto renewal of the subscription is enabled.
In your case, we found another account in which there was a typo made in the email address.
On that account, you subscribed for AVG TuneUp - Unlimited Devices (1 year subscription) which had auto renewal enabled.
Hence, you are charged DKK259,00 for its renewal.
We have forwarded the request to concern team. Keep checking your email to know about refund status.
Once you receive the refunded amount, you can delete AVG my account using this link: https://www.avg.com/gdpr .
Feel free to contact us if you need further help.