Unlock a device not in the list

Hi Thom.
We're sorry for the inconvenience caused. We answer queries related to AVG products for Windows only on this forums. We'd request to contact our Android support team for help with this issue. Visit http://avgclick.me/AVGtechnical, select OS as Android and fill in the form to submit your query. They will contact you at the earliest with a resolution.

Problem1 : One device that is "this unit is lost or stolen..." after the SIM was changed.
Solution 1: Connect the device to internet and log on to my.avg.com on a computer and open it remotely
Does not work because ...
Problem 2: The device is not in the list in my.avg.com
Solution ?
Is the phone bricked or can I override it in some way?

Hi Thom.
We're sorry for the inconvenience caused. We answer queries related to AVG products for Windows only on this forums. We'd request to contact our Android support team for help with this issue. Visit http://avgclick.me/AVGtechnical, select OS as Android and fill in the form to submit your query. They will contact you at the earliest with a resolution.