Unlock / Disable AVG Anti Theft Passwod

Hello Djusan,
We are sorry to hear about the inconvenience caused. Please note that this community deals with the technical queries regarding AVG Windows products. AVG Android support is provided through email only. Please click on the following link ( http://avgclick.me/AVGtechnical ) and fill out your details, select as Android then the name of AVG Program that you installed in your mobile and in description please completely explain about your issue and finally click on Email option. The AVG mobile team will reply back to you via email with a resolution. Thank you.

How I can unlock my device Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 ?
My problem :
1. My password not macth with my first setting / install
2. I have removed the device on avg myaccount

Djusan Liaw

Hello Djusan,
We are sorry to hear about the inconvenience caused. Please note that this community deals with the technical queries regarding AVG Windows products. AVG Android support is provided through email only. Please click on the following link ( http://avgclick.me/AVGtechnical ) and fill out your details, select as Android then the name of AVG Program that you installed in your mobile and in description please completely explain about your issue and finally click on Email option. The AVG mobile team will reply back to you via email with a resolution. Thank you.