Updated Surface to Windows 10 and AVG stopped working

Hello Dwayne. Thanks for the detailed explanation. I am sorry to know that. In your Surface, have you logged into your ZEN with your MyAccount log in details by clicking the "CONNECT" button at the top right? And yes, this is compatible with Windows 10. Please have a look at this article to download and install AVG Protection (AVG ZEN) on your Windows 10 device : http://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?urlname=Download-and-install-AVG-Protection . Please get back to us incase you need further assistance. Thank you.

Hello Dwayne, Sorry for the inconvenience caused. If you have selected "Leave Zen Network" and then "connect to an existing Zen network" then it would have got installed perfectly. Not a problem, I have sent you an email with further instructions to be followed to get our additional support help to fix your issue. Please check for the email on spam or junk folders if it is not present in the inbox. Thank you.

I think I have a Zen package that allows protection for several computers.  The 'central' Zen computer is a desktop computer in my home.
I updated my MS Surface tablet to Windws 10.  AVG stopped working so I tried to uninstall it and reinstall it.  That didn't work.  So I went to the ZenMaster and deleted the Surface and sent a new invite to it.  The invite seemed to install okay, but a few problems remain.

1. On the ZenMaster PC the Surface shows as 'protected' but the protection expires in 28 days with a link to Buy now.  Why?  This Zen package was supposed to be good for a year.

2.  On the Surface the AVG icon only apears in the System Tray after I manually open the AVG manually.  I've rebooted the Surface several times and the AVG icon never apears in the tray.  Why?

3.  Finally.  Given that this upgrade to Win10 was NOT seamless for AVG, how do I update the ZenMaster PC to Win10 and remain connected to all the Zen devices?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Hello Dwayne, Sorry for the inconvenience caused. If you have selected "Leave Zen Network" and then "connect to an existing Zen network" then it would have got installed perfectly. Not a problem, I have sent you an email with further instructions to be followed to get our additional support help to fix your issue. Please check for the email on spam or junk folders if it is not present in the inbox. Thank you.

Hello Dwayne. Thanks for the detailed explanation. I am sorry to know that. In your Surface, have you logged into your ZEN with your MyAccount log in details by clicking the "CONNECT" button at the top right? And yes, this is compatible with Windows 10. Please have a look at this article to download and install AVG Protection (AVG ZEN) on your Windows 10 device : http://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?urlname=Download-and-install-AVG-Protection . Please get back to us incase you need further assistance. Thank you.

1.  First I tried connecting the Surface with the invite code sent from the Zen Admin.  On the Surface AVG shows 'Protected' but on the Zen Admin PC the Surface shows as 'Protection expires in 28 days Buy now'.  I disconnected the Surface from the Zen account and reconnected using my AVG email and password.  No change.  The Zen Admin tool still shows 'Protection expires in 28 days Buy now'.  I went and checked my account; my protection is allegedly to last two years for all family devices.  Why am I being prompted to spend more money?  Do I need to pay a premium for updating to Windows 10? 

2.  Thanks for the link to Install AVG for Dummies.  I don't think this is going to help because these are the steps I used to cause the problems I'm currently experiencing.  Should I totally uninstall AVG before upgrading the PC to Win10, then after all is stable install AVG?

3.  On the Surface the AVG icon only apears in the System Tray after I manually open the AVG manually. I've rebooted the Surface several times and the AVG icon never apears in the tray. Why?

Looking forward to your reply.