Vincent, This is the std info article ( Otherwise, Sales Support… Chat with us [AVG] online (
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I received an email message concerning auto-renewal of my AVG licensed products scheduled for a date in the future. The same message indicated that I needed to update information about my credit card (the expiry date). I clicked the link that was included, which took me to an AVG renew these products page with no place for updating credit information. I looked all over that page, and finally went to a link at the bottom of the page which took me to a page for managing accounts. NOWHERE can I find any link to update credit card information, nor can I find any information in the FAQs about how to update such information. Does anyone here know where I need to go to do so? Thank you!
Vincent, This is the std info article ( Otherwise, Sales Support… Chat with us [AVG] online (
AVG Guru