I had the exact same problem this morning. I thought Windows 7 reinstalled itself. I had no My Documents, the desktop looked brand new. I had an AVG pop up saying Hacking Protection and other protections have expired for which I have never signed up, it was done silently by AVG. Then I found it was probably due to a corrupt user profile file. When I googled AVG corrupt Windows user profile I had a lot of results.
Luckily I had system restore points. It was restored to the original state.
Here we are in 2019 and the same problem arises when AVG updates on Windows 7 pc. It causes the error “The user profile service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded.” This has been happening since 2015 according to these posts. Sad. I’ m never gonna another purchase AVG product.
Hello Jeremy. I apologize for the inconvenience caused. I would request you to follow the "Method 1" in this article https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/947215/ to resolve your issue and log back into your user account. Please do take a backup of your registry before you attempt this fix. To back up registry: http://bit.ly/1b5PFvR
How can I get back into my laptop without spending money in an Internet repair shop and get proper customer service from a fault in Avg that corrupts user profiles on windows 7 This is the 2nd time it's happened too me and I was promised a full money back for the repairs yesterday that was never emailed to me .This is a common fault with your paid product as the man in the shop showed me complaints on the web and informed me that 98% of people coming into his shop with the same problem use Avg .?I have now made 3 phone calls to your tech help and one to on line chat .None of your reps know anything or are even helpful in the slightest ,Can anyone help me with my problem?
Hi Pete. We regret for the inconvenience caused. This could also be caused when Windows not read your user profile correctly. Please restore your PC settings to an earlier date. Or, boot your PC in safe mode and follow the steps provided under 'Method 1' in this article to resolve the issue.
Here we are in 2019 and the same problem arises when AVG updates on Windows 7 pc. It causes the error “The user profile service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded.” This has been happening since 2015 according to these posts. Sad. I’ m never gonna another purchase AVG product.
Hello Jeremy. I apologize for the inconvenience caused. I would request you to follow the "Method 1" in this article https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/947215/ to resolve your issue and log back into your user account. Please do take a backup of your registry before you attempt this fix. To back up registry: http://bit.ly/1b5PFvR
Hi Jeremy, I apologize for the inconvenience caused due to this issue. In this case please provide the screenshot of the error you are getting with AVG. Thank you.