Verlenging abonnement met oorspronkelijke bestelnummer: 10809489372

Hi, Guido.
AVG support is currently available in English only. Could you write us in English? We will be waiting for your response and are eager to help!

Heb je gebeld met een nieuw bestelnummer 10809489372 te annuleren.
Dit is niet gelukt. Was de mening onvolledig dat ik zelf de uitbreiding al dan niet kon aktiveren.
Is dat uw huidige abonnement 52413430900 dat jullie netto geaktiveerd hebt te annuleren. 
Cleeren Guido

Guido, This Community is basically only English language… Query translation…
[Dutch to English]
Extension subscription with original order number: 10809489372
Have you called with a new order number 10809489372 to cancel. This was not successful. Was the opinion incomplete that I could or could not activate the extension yourself?
Is that your current subscription 52413430900 that you have not activated to cancel.
AVG Guru

Hi, Guido.
AVG support is currently available in English only. Could you write us in English? We will be waiting for your response and are eager to help!