Vpn isn't allowing incoming files

Hello Mark,

I regret the inconvenience caused. You may experience a slower internet connection when using AVG Secure VPN. A VPN encrypts traffic and data before sending it to a server. Depending on the distance and capacity of the server, this process may cause a slightly slower, but safer, internet connection. I would suggest you to change the location and then try to download the file.

i recently bought a subscription for VPN.  i open the VPN window, turn it on, open a browser ... and can go anywhere.  But when i click on a file to download, it just spins.  Is there a setting on my Windows Firewall that needs to be enabled? Or an exception that needs to be set?
Hello Mark,

I regret the inconvenience caused. You may experience a slower internet connection when using AVG Secure VPN. A VPN encrypts traffic and data before sending it to a server. Depending on the distance and capacity of the server, this process may cause a slightly slower, but safer, internet connection. I would suggest you to change the location and then try to download the file.