Vrátenie peňazí

Hello Helena,

AVG Support via Community forum is available only in English. For example, you can use Google Translate (https://translate.google.com) for translation.

We apologize for the inconvenience. Let us explain this clearly.
You've been charged for the automatic renewal of AVG Internet Security (Multi-Device) subscription because you agreed to automatic extension of your subscription when you originally signed up for the trial subscription.
We can assure you that we have not processed any unauthorized payments from your card or account.
We sent an email notification 10 days prior to the order being placed to let you know in advance that this payment was due.
We've sent you an email with further details, please check your Inbox/spam to find the email and use it to revert to us.

Dobrý deň. Chcela by som sa opýtať ako mam postupovať nakoľko som mala 60 dnovu verziu zdarma a potom som aj zastavila ďalšie objednanie balíčka. A dnes predsa mi stiahli peniaze. Potrebovala by som ich aby mi ich vrátili. No keď to robím cez AVG tam ma stále točí otázkami dookola a nikde sa nemozem doklikat. Viete mi nejako pomôcť. Ďakujem 

Hello Helena,

AVG Support via Community forum is available only in English. For example, you can use Google Translate (https://translate.google.com) for translation.

We apologize for the inconvenience. Let us explain this clearly.
You've been charged for the automatic renewal of AVG Internet Security (Multi-Device) subscription because you agreed to automatic extension of your subscription when you originally signed up for the trial subscription.
We can assure you that we have not processed any unauthorized payments from your card or account.
We sent an email notification 10 days prior to the order being placed to let you know in advance that this payment was due.
We've sent you an email with further details, please check your Inbox/spam to find the email and use it to revert to us.