Watch dog initialization

Hello Eve,
We are sorry to know that. In this case, we suggest you to restart your computer and when the computer starts, please keep tapping the spacebar key and see if you are able to boot into your computer.
Thank you

Hi I have the black screen problem with the Watch dog Initialization issue. I have Windows 10 on my computer. When I arrive to that screen I'm not able to do any of the commands I saw in other post (esc, shift+F8, F8 etc.. ) to be able to reboot. I also disconnected USB cables but nothing seems to work and I always stay on that screen. Is there an other thing I could do?

Hello Eve,
We are sorry to know that. In this case, we suggest you to restart your computer and when the computer starts, please keep tapping the spacebar key and see if you are able to boot into your computer.
Thank you