Watchdog Initialization

Hello Joe,
Thank you very much on the information on this Watchdog error. This error is caused due to an conflicting update and the issue is resolved by the unplugging the wireless mouse. We appreciate your efforts in informing this in our community, this information will be helpful for most of the customers.
Thank you.

Hello Joe,
Thank you very much on the information on this Watchdog error. This error is caused due to an conflicting update and the issue is resolved by the unplugging the wireless mouse. We appreciate your efforts in informing this in our community, this information will be helpful for most of the customers.
Thank you.

I keep getting this after Watchdog Initialization error updating windows 10 anniversary edition. With the help of AVG techs taking control of my computer and re-installing AVG  everything seemed to work fine. The next day it was back on boot up. One person on a help forum wrote and said his problem was fixed after unplugging his wireless mouse. I have a HP mouse that came with my computer and have never had any problems with it, but it was worth a try. I unplugged the mouse from the back of the computer, and plugged it into a u.s.b. 4 port hub and plugged that into the computer. It seems to have worked for me. I don't know if it is a coincidence or not but for 4 days now I have not had any problems after multiple shut downs and re-boots. I hope this may work for others who are having this problem and Thanks to AVG techs  and to who ever the person was who wrote into whatever forum I happened across.